When is it Time to Replace the Thermostat?

Signs of a Broken Thermostat 

Air conditioners are reliable, providing years of service summer after summer, helping families beat the heat. One of the most important components of an air conditioner or heating system is the thermostat, which is like the system's brain telling it when to turn on or off. 

Thermostats are generally reliable, but when they start to fail, they can negatively impact the entire system. Here are a few signs that the thermostat is starting to fail and likely needs to be replaced. Recognizing these signs early on can help homeowners save money and stay more comfortable without interruption.  

Higher Energy Bills Than Usual

billPaying higher energy bills than usual is a common sign of several issues that affect air conditioners, including a faulty thermostat. Almost always, the cause of high energy bills is the excessive running time of the air conditioner or when it works harder than necessary. Air conditioners require a tremendous amount of electricity to run, so bills inevitably go up when they run for longer than they need to. 

When a thermostat is malfunctioning, it also often causes wasted energy when the unit has to work harder, leading to higher utility bills. When the thermostat can’t read the temperature correctly, it usually will run for incorrect cycles. Replacing the thermostat can typically save more than enough money over time to offset the installation cost. It’s important to call a professional to check the thermostat as soon as higher energy bills are noticed to prevent additional damage. 

Incorrect Temperature Readings 

readingsAnother sign of a faulty thermostat is incorrect temperature readings. When it can’t read the correct temperature, the heating or air conditioning system will not reach the desired temperature.  It may cause homeowners to lower or raise the temperature on the thermostat even more than normal to get to their desired temperatures. It can also cause the system to run for longer than it needs to and waste energy to get to a temperature it may not be able to reach. 

When the thermostat is reading an incorrect temperature, people in the home will not be as comfortable, and it could lead to additional issues. To determine if the thermostat has a problem reading the correct temperature, homeowners can simply use a small thermometer. Hang the thermometer on the wall next to the thermostat. Make sure to put a paper towel or cloth between the thermometer and the wall so it isn’t influenced by the cold or heat coming from the wall. Both should read within a degree of each other. 

Short Cycling 

Thermostats can cost homeowners lots of extra money if they aren’t working right. Efficiency is a common cost that has already been discussed. Still, another cost associated with a faulty thermostat is damage to heating or air conditioning equipment in the rest of the system. 

Air conditioners are designed to run for relatively long, smooth cycles. This is because more damage can occur to an air conditioner as it starts a cycle that will occur throughout the process. Faulty thermostats can greatly contribute to this problem by causing short cycling. 

During a short cycle, the thermostat will signal the AC to run for a short period, then shut off. Shortly after, the thermostat will do it again, causing numerous unnecessary starts for the equipment. Ultimately, this can lead to damage and inevitable repair bills, so if homeowners notice their system short cycling, they should immediately reach out to a professional HVAC technician. 

About PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning

PAC Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning is a disabled veteran-owned business serving Staten Island, NY, and the surrounding areas since 1978. They offer maintenance plans, accurate solutions, and fast responses. Call them today for heating and air conditioning services on Staten Island, NY.

Going Back to School: Water Heaters 101

Water Heater Basics

Almost every house has a water heater. It is an essential component of the modern household and is usually used daily. Water heaters account for about 25% of the overall home energy expenses. The average lifespan is between 8 and 12 years. However, they may break down from time to time, causing many issues in the home. Read on for more fundamentals of water heaters, the various types, and their components.

Best Type of Water Heater For Your Home

types of water heatersTank water heaters can be powered by gas or electricity and heat water and store it for when it’s needed. The pre-heating and storage method of water heating isn’t as energy efficient as some other options, as the unit constantly uses energy to keep water warm to a comfortable temperature.

A tankless water heater is a type of water heater that only heats water when needed. This saves energy because the heater doesn’t have to keep the water warm all day. Tankless heaters typically use less electricity or gas than traditional water heaters, so homeowners can save money on utility bills by switching to a tankless model.

Water Heater Maintenance

professional maintenanceOne common issue with water heaters over time is the buildup of sediment. This can happen if the water heater hasn’t been inspected or maintained recently. Sediment can build up in the heater, making it less efficient and increasing the risk of water safety issues.

The easiest way to flush a water heater is to drain the debris from the system. Professionals will drain the water heater by connecting a hose to the drain valve and emptying the tank. This should remove any residue in the tank. Routine maintenance can extend the life of a water heater by years, save money on utility bills, and prevent repairs which is why professionals recommend regular maintenance at least once a year.

Most water heaters have an anode rod protecting the lining and interior of the water heater from corrosion. The anode rod should be replaced every few years during maintenance once it wears out to prevent the tank from corroding and needing a premature replacement.

Signs the Water Heater Needs Repair

Most water heater tanks are made from steel, which makes them prone to rust and corrosion. If homeowners see small pieces of rust in the hot tap water or the water is discolored, it’s a sign that the tank is starting to rust. Rust may also be found around the joints and pressure relief valve. If the tank is deteriorating, it will need to be replaced.

If the water doesn’t seem as hot as it used to, or it cools down quicker, this could be a sign that there is a problem with the heating element or electric thermostat. These problems will prevent the heater from performing effectively and make the water cooler. This can happen over time or all of a sudden. Homeowners should immediately contact a professional if they notice these signs, so the issue doesn’t worsen.

About PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning

PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning is a disabled veteran-owned business with over four decades of experience serving Staten Island, NY, and the surrounding areas. They provide options to fit any budget, fast turnarounds, and maintenance plans. Call them today for water heater services in Staten Island, NY.

When Is It Time to Replace the Home's Air Ducts?

How To Know When Air Duct Replacement or Repair Is Necessary 

According to EnergyStar, air ducts can last for years with minimal maintenance. One doesn’t need to clean their air ducts regularly, and repairs aren’t needed unless there’s damage. However, air ducts don’t last forever. A professional may need to assess the situation and render repairs. 

Below, homeowners can read the basics of what they should know about their home’s air ducts. If they have additional questions, they should contact a local technician. 

Three Signs of Air Duct Damage

smellAir ducts are usually made of metal, inherently reducing the likelihood of bacteria, mildew, and mold growth. Yet, this doesn’t mean air ducts are resistant to damage. Signs that it’s time to consider air duct repair or replacement include: 

  • Foul smell or infestation. Air ducts are dark, well-ventilated tunnels hidden in the home’s floors, frames, and ceilings. This makes them the perfect place for rodents and other pests to call home, especially during the harsh summer and winter months. Pests are breeding grounds for germs and can compromise the home’s indoor air quality and cause a foul smell. After removing the pests, one may remove the air duct system to limit the harm to residents’ health. 
  • Rising energy bills. Holes, cracks, and other leaks in the home’s ductwork can cause air to escape the HVAC system. This can cause the air conditioner to work harder, increasing monthly energy bills. 
  • Strange noises. Over time, ductwork can become unsecured from its location, causing an unpleasant rattling sound. This isn’t just inconvenient; soon, it can become a larger problem. 

Age, a lack of efficiency, and other factors may warrant air duct replacement. Again, a professional can assess one’s HVAC system and explain more. 

The Main Benefits of Air Duct Replacement

save Having a clean and efficient new ductwork system yields countless benefits, including: 

  • Better indoor air quality. A well-functioning HVAC system can limit airborne particles and improve the home’s indoor air quality. It can also reduce humidity and other unpleasant conditions. 
  • Lower energy bills. Poorly-functioning ductwork allows air to escape the home. This increases how often homeowners may need to use the air conditioning system. When ductwork operates as expected, this lowers electricity consumption and energy bills. 

Other benefits of well-functioning air ducts include less noise, better circulation, and desirable temperatures. 

How Would a Professional Repair Failing Ductwork? 

Replacing the home’s ductwork isn’t always necessary. A professional may instead assess the home’s HVAC system and repair it. Some duct repairs include: 

  • Remove any mold growth or pests from the ductwork 
  • Replace certain ducts and not others
  • Patch any leaks or cracks that let air escape 
  • Place more insulation around the ductwork
  • Remove built-up moisture from the system 

A professional can do more than render necessary repairs. They can also explain what preventive measures could keep the air duct system functioning for years to come. 

About PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning 

PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning is a disabled veteran-owned business with over 40 years of experience serving Staten Island, NY, and the surrounding areas. They provide fast turnarounds, maintenance plans, and options to fit any budget. Call them today for heating and air conditioning services in Staten Island, NY.

Three Reasons Why Plumbing Maintenance is Important

Three Benefits of Plumbing Maintenance 

Of all things that can go wrong around the home, plumbing is one that homeowners fear the most. Plumbing problems range from a simple leaky faucet to a burst pipe that ruptures and floods the house in minutes. Doesn’t it make sense to take steps to prevent these problems?

Luckily, plumbing industry professionals have the experience and training to help homeowners prevent plumbing disasters by performing routine maintenance. Read on to learn about the benefits of professional maintenance on a home’s plumbing. 

Keeps the Home Running Safely and Smoothly

safetyThe first reason that maintenance checks of a home’s plumbing are so important is that they can keep it safer and more reliable. Many things can go wrong with a plumbing system that can compromise the family's safety. A few examples of safety-related plumbing issues are: 

  • Water heaters can explode and cause damage and injury
  • Lead leaching into drinking water 
  • Burns caused by faulty water heating elements
  • Tainted water from faulty backflow prevention devices

Each of these examples is a preventable disaster. With routine maintenance checks from a qualified professional, drinking water can stay pure, and homeowners can rest assured that a plumbing disaster won’t plague their home. 

Prolongs Life of Plumbing and Appliances 

A home's plumbing system is the points of use like faucets, clothes washers, and even coffee machines. When plumbing runs smoothly, these appliances and fixtures are reliable and can last a long time. However, with chronic exposure to corrosion and hard water, appliances like water heaters have to work overtime to keep up with demands. This can drastically reduce the lifespan of home appliances and fixtures. 

Routine plumbing checks from a plumber can prevent damage and increase the likelihood that appliances and fixtures will last longer with fewer troubles. Doesn't it make sense to get the most out of expensive appliances by not having to replace them before it is necessary? 

Saves Money on Repairs and Water Bills 

saveWhat is the one thing that can blow a budget in a hurry? Plumbing repairs. High water bills. Plumbing maintenance is aimed at reducing these budget busters in one visit. During a plumbing maintenance visit, a plumber will look for potential problems that could be a massive headache down the road. This allows homeowners to get them fixed before emergencies occur and cause more damage and more expensive repairs.

They will also look for leaks that are wasting water and causing higher water and sewer bills. By allowing them to repair leaks during maintenance visits, homeowners will save substantially on their water bills. The cost of plumbing maintenance could end up paying for itself in just a few months! 

About PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning

PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning is a disabled veteran-owned business that has provided award-winning service to the residents of Staten Island, NY, and the surrounding areas since 1978. They offer 24/7 emergency response, fast turnarounds, and options to fit any budget. They also offer a membership plan with many perks, including maintenance visits. Call them today for plumbing services in Staten Island, NY

Springtime Coil Cleaning

Dirty Coils Cost Money

A clean air conditioning system runs more efficiently during the summer months. Without clogged air conditioner fins and dust layers on the coils, surprise utility bills are a thing of the past. A few cleaning techniques for quality indoor air help save money even in the hottest months. 

Understanding Compressor Coils

The AC compressor is just one component of the air conditioning system. However, without a well-working compressor, an HVAC unit will not work. Several compressors are available, but they are all used to compress refrigerants. 

Compressor coils help cool the indoors of both residential and commercial spaces. Hot air cannot be effectively removed without functioning coils to create a comfortable atmosphere. Routine maintenance is recommended to help air conditioning systems run smoothly for years to come.

Indoor Coils

coilThe evaporator coils are found indoors. Sometimes these coils are considered the evaporator core because it is where the refrigerant can absorb heat. This is essentially where the cold air originates.

An evaporator coil is found near the air handler located close to the fan. Typically these coils are made from copper, steel, or aluminum since they can easily conduct heat. In modern homes, they usually resemble a U shape and can be found inside the panels. Each panel inside the air conditioner is lined with fins that help create cool air.

These specific coils are designed to be sturdy enough to weather internal pressure. They function best when they work at a moderate temperature. Frozen or frosted evaporator coils tend to happen when coils have not been well maintained. Dirty evaporator coils can also make running challenging for the unit because there is a lower heat transfer. Waves get dirty due to dust, pollen, pet hair, and other allergens. Even a thin layer of dust can negatively impact the air conditioning system. 


Outdoor Coils

The AC coils found outside are called condenser coils. Although they are located away from the evaporator coils, they work in tandem to provide cool indoor air. The evaporator coils would not differ in overall temperature without the condenser coils.

The air conditioner’s condenser is a large unit usually located in the yard—several components inside the condenser, including valves, switches, and metal tubing. The heat absorbed from the indoors travels through these tubes to keep living areas cool.

It is important to perform a condenser coil cleaning every couple of months to keep it working. This will help improve the airflow required for both types of coils. Outdoor coils can be damaged by yard debris such as freshly cut grass, twigs, and leaves. Pet hair may also play a role in outdoor debris.

If the compressor coils are not clean, this will reduce the overall energy efficiency of the air conditioning system. If it is harder for the condenser to release heat, the system will work harder for a longer period. Checking the condenser after a storm or strong winds can help prevent high electric bills.

Easy Compressor Coil Cleaning Solutions

AC coils are not particularly easy to clean without specific equipment. Specialized vacuums are often used to help remove hard-to-reach debris typically found on the bottom. Vacuums are usually recommended because there is a reduced risk of damaging the fins.

Aggressive cleaning may bend or even snap fins. This is especially true if they are made from aluminum. A vacuum is usually recommended over compressed air because particles are absorbed rather than swept. Using compressed air to blow dirt and debris away may blow it further into the air conditioning system.

Using a fin brush is common for Do-It-Yourselfers performing an AC coil cleaning. This works for both condenser and evaporator coils. While this can be effective, it also comes with risk. Brushes with hard bristles may warp the fins or sweep dust particles into the fan. Fin combs are used to straighten bent fins.

Many homeowners wonder how often they should clean the AC coils. This depends on a few different factors. It may not be necessary to clean the coils during the colder months if the system is not currently being used. These coils may need to be cleaned up to once every month during the spring months and summer months. 

For particularly hot climates, outdoor coils should be cleaned more often. Professional AC maintenance can help with a thorough cleaning so that cleanings may not need to be done as often. In addition to removing dirt and debris from the air conditioner, there are ways to prevent the buildup from occurring. 

Routine Coil Maintenance

Routine coil cleaning can keep air conditioners running for a much longer time. Although the typical lifespan for a modern air conditioner is approximately 15 years, many systems begin to see significant problems long before then. Annual AC maintenance checks are advised to save money in the long run.

Maintenance checks often include a cleaning so that technicians can examine all components at one time. This preventative measure saves future air conditioning system costs and energy bills. If frost develops on the condenser, this is a sign that maintenance can reduce and even eliminate future expenses.

About PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning 

PAC Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning is a disabled veteran-owned business serving the community of Staten Island, NY, and the surrounding areas since 1979. They provide fast turnarounds, emergency response, maintenance plans, and options to fit any budget. Call them today for coil cleaning services in Staten Island, NY.