Gas Furnace Maintenance

You can start to feel the cold weather coming and now would be a great time to get your furnace ready for the Winter! You don’t want to wait until the last minute to get your tune up! It’s very important to make sure that your furnace is clean and ready to go for the winter before it starts getting cold. These are some important tips to remember when maintaining your furnace.


  • Make sure that you change your filter every season
  • Check the thermostat
  • Clean the Blower
  • Clean and repair the furnace ducts
  • Clean the vents
  • Inspect the fans

It’s very easy to maintain your furnace and it’s also extremely important! The most important thing for maintaining your furnace is to make sure that no dirt or debris gets in it. You want to keep the unit clean as possible on both the inside and outside. If you can perform these proper maintenance tips then you should not have any problems with your furnace. If you are not qualified to perform these tasks, call P.A.C. right away to take care of it before the it gets even colder out.

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