Plumbing Tips to Prepare your home for Winter

The Cold Weather is Finally here, and you are going to want to prepare your house as much as possible for the cold season. If you don’t perform the proper maintenance for the winter, it can cause serious damage to your home especially the pipes. The damage can wind up costing you thousands of dollars. The most important thing you can do is to protect your pipes from the extreme low temperatures. There are important tips to remember to avoid these kinds of damages.


  • Make sure you look at any of your pipes and fix any leaks now before they freeze.
  • Also, it’s important to remove and drain your outdoor hoses before they freeze.
  • Drain your water heater and get a tune up. It’s important to do this at this time of year so you can ensure that you will have no problems with hot water during the cold. Call P.A.C. for a tune up!
  • If there are any pipes in unheated areas of your home, you are going to want to do your best to wrap them with heat tape or pipe insulation.
  • Close and drain shut-off valves coming from outdoors because any water that remains in these.
  • Clean your Sump Pump out. If your pump freezes and starts to malfunction, water can enter your basement

*Also, a very important tip for people leaving their homes for the winter. Make sure to winterize your home before leaving. You are going to want to shut off the water and call P.A.C. to drain your pipes. If you leave any water in your pipes, this can cause a risk of these pipes freezing and bursting and nobody will be at your home to know what’s going on. This is extremely important if you are going to be away from your home for a long period of time.


If you need help with any of these tips, don’t hesitate to call P.A.C. right away! Make sure you are prepared for the cold weather because if not, it can wind up costing thousands of dollars in damages!


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