How often should I change my filters?

The Beautiful Summer weather is quickly coming to an end as we approach the end of September.  You probably had your A/C running majority of the summer but now with the crisp Fall weather coming, it’s almost heating season!

You know what one of the most important things you can do to maintain your HVAC System? Changing your filters! How often should you change them? Let’s find out!

When deciding when to change your filter consider the following:

  1. What type of filter are you using?
  2. Do you have pets? (If so, how many?)
  3. IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) in the home.
  4. What type of house is it? How many people are living in the home?

For the most basic air filters, you can usually change them after about 30-60 days. If you have severe allergies, it is recommended that you change the more frequently.

If you have pets, then you will be changing them more often than those without animals.

Regardless of the situation in your home, this is something that must be done on a regular basis. If you don’t change your filters regularly, your family could be breathing in harmful chemicals such as Mold or bacteria. Look at the above picture and make sure your filters never look like that!


Call Paul today to get your filters changed! 347-343-3750


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Signs of a Hidden Water Leak in your Home

This week Paul wants you to look out for possible signs of a water leak in your home! Whether the leak is coming from your pipes or one of your plumbing fixtures, there are necessary signs to know if you have a leak regardless of the area!


  • If the leak is inside your home, chances are you will start to smell an odor of Mildew caused by mold growing in places that aren’t visible. Chances are if you smell mildew in your home, it will be because of a water leak somewhere in your home even if it’s not visible.
  • Is there a specific area in your house that is constantly wet but shouldn’t be? That’s because of a leak as well. Sometimes when you have a leak in your house, your carpet could start to develop some wet spots. If a pipe in your house begins to leak, you could potentially see water stains on your walls or ceilings.
  • Sometimes you can hear the leak in your pipes or constantly hear the drip under the sink. If you start to hear any unusual noises in your plumbing system, Call Paul to get it checked out.
  • If you receive your water bill and it’s A LOT higher than normal, there is a likelihood of a possible leak.

Water Leaks can be expensive and very tough to handle. They can completely damage a home if not handled properly.


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How to Shut Off Main Water Supply to your Home

On this week’s edition of Paul’s Pro Tips, Paul wants you to know how to locate and operate your main shut off valve for your home’s main water supply!

It’s extremely important to know how and were to turn off the valve especially during emergency situations. The main shut off valve is usually a brass valve with a round handle. It is located near the main water pipe leading into your home.

To shut off the valve, turn it clockwise. This will cut off the water flowing into your home.

It may sound quick and simple, but MANY people don’t know where the valve is located or how to turn it off! If you are in an emergency where you need the water to be off IMMEDIATELY refer to this Pro Tip from Paul!

We're here to help, call us now!

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Product Alert

Paul is here to tell you some very important news about your Air Conditioning System. The EPA has BANNED THE USE OF R22 refrigerant in new AC equipment since 2010. As a result, if your air conditioner was manufactured prior to 2010 this may be the time to replace it.

Unfortunately, as the supply and availability of R22 declines the prices will go up. In fact, the prices for R22 have already increased 300% over the past few years. And the price increases will only continue as the industry moves closer to the 2020 date when it will be illegal to use.

You have three options at this time:

  1. You can keep your existing AC equipment and accept the fact that as we move closer to 2020, if you need R22 refrigerant to maintain your equipment, it will become increasingly difficult to find in the marketplace and it will be priced accordingly from our suppliers.
  1. You can keep your existing AC equipment and instead use an EPA permitted “modern” refrigerant. But to do so may involve replacing many parts of your equipment since not all refrigerants are the same. Additionally, using a different refrigerant than was originally designed for your system may result in poorer performance and higher energy costs
  2. You can choose to replace your old AC equipment with a new, high-efficiency unit that does not use R22, but instead uses other refrigerants that are less harmful to the environment and that are permitted by the EPA. These units will give you many years of dependable service and lower-cost cooling.


Schedule your free Consultation with one of our Comfort Advisors to replace your HVAC system before 2020! Call Paul today 347-343-3750

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Items that should NEVER go down Kitchen Sink Drain

It may seem so easy sometimes to just put some things down a drain rather than taking the appropriate steps. Paul is here to tell you the damage you are doing to your drains! Pouring the wrong items will cause a backup in the drain or the sewer itself! Here are some of the items you should never put down your drain:


  • Oil/Grease – Grease can ruin your drain pipes. It will stick to the sides of it and continues to build up over time and create blockages
  • Flour – Flour can cause a huge problem if you put it down your kitchen sink. Once Flour and water mix, it will cause a clog in the drain
  • Coffee Grinds – Some people think it’s okay to pour coffee grains down your drain, WRONG! These small grains can easily buildup and cause a clog in your pipes
  • Paper towels- Too many paper towels can cause a buildup and will backup your entire drain. This can be very co$tly in repairs.

There are many other items not to pour down your kitchen drain but these are the most common everyday items people use. What to do if you have a clogged drain? Easy Solution; Call Paul!


We’ll send out our Plumbing Expert to take care of these issues and avoid them moving forward!


We're here to help, call us now!

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